Friday 29 January 2016

Tips to be Successful in Visa Interview

Applying for a visa is certainly a lengthy procedure and visa interview is the most dubious part of the whole procedure. Well, there is nothing to fear about as consultants from Santa Monica Study Abroad Pvt Ltd are here to reveal a few tricks to nail your visa interview in the best possible manner. All things considered, in case you have a visa interview lined up then the below listed tips can be of immense help to you. Keep reading:


Make an effort not to bring along your companions or relatives with you to your visa interview. The visa meeting officer needs to meet you, not your friends and relatives. A negative impression is put forth in case you are not prepared to talk on your own behalf. If by chance you are a minor applying for an international school program and need your parents there to answer the inquiries then only you would be able to take them along.


As a consequence of getting tremendous number of visa applications, the officers are under a burden to deal with their time efficiently by keeping every meeting short and informative. They form their decision on the basis of first few minutes of the interview therefore you must keep your answers short and to the point. Abstain from giving pointless clarifications as it may annoy the questioner. Answer just what is inquired.


Always carry your documents with you while going for the visa interview. Ensure that your documents are organized properly and they are totally authentic. Never at any point attempt to manipulate the documents or else you might land up amidst legal trouble!


Many individuals get aggressive if the officer denies them the visa. Make sure to maintain a strategic distance from this sort of conduct since this would not help you at all. In the event that you don't get the visa then resist the urge to panic and pleasantly ask the officer what you can do to enhance your chances of getting a visa next time.

Wednesday 20 January 2016

Follow these Tips to make yourself Employable in MBA

These days just obtaining a Master's of Business Administration (MBA) is not sufficient to get a decent job until you have extraordinary skills. The fact is that the corporate world has become extremely competitive, challenging and dynamic in the past few years. Therefore if you want to survive the competitive world then it is important to brush up your professional skills to a great extent. In an attempt to assist you to fulfill your professional goals, experts from Santa Monica Study Abroad Pvt. Ltd., are here to offer you a few tips to make yourself more employable by enhancing your professional skills. Read on:

1) Boost up your soft skills: You must improve your speaking skills, body language, presentation skills and soft skills. In case you are not confident enough about your soft skills then you must make a sincere attempt to improve them immediately. Work on your speaking skills, communication skills, etc. as these skills are an important aspect of your overall personality that would help you to move ahead in the professional world.

2) Be a team player: It is extremely important to be a team player because you will have to work along with a lot of people during your job in order to accomplish certain tasks. Therefore you must learn to get along with people as it would help you in your professional life. You must learn to keep patience in order to become a good team player.

3) Develop leadership skills: As a matter of fact you might be hired for a managerial position after the completion of your MBA, so it is quite important for you to possess leadership qualities. You must have the ability to manage a team in an efficient manner and you must be able to keep your team members motivated so that they can perform to the best of their abilities.

Thursday 14 January 2016

Visa Applying Tips

Arranging the essential supporting documents for the visa process is extremely important. Even the slightest of mistakes can leave you disappointed, so you must remain extra careful when you are applying for a visa.

Yes it is true that visa application is a lengthy process and a lot of people find it quite stressful but experts from Santa Monica Study Abroad Pvt Ltd say that with a little bit of efforts you can nail the visa application process. If you are planning to move to a foreign company then you will have to file an application in order to obtain the visa of the country that you are intending to visit. Read on to know a few tips that can prove to be of some help while applying for visa:

1. Documents

Well, this goes without saying that you must arrange all the documents that you would need for the visa process. Always arrange the documents in a file or folder and make sure that you present the authentic documents. Manipulating the documents can land you in deep trouble so make sure that you do not do any such thing.

2. Valid Reason

During your visa interview, you would be asked about the reason for which you want to visit that particular country, therefore be prepared to answer this query in a convincing manner. Your reason should be strong enough to convince the authorities to provide you with the visa. If you want to visit countries like England and USA then your reason should be extremely clear.

3. Online Application Form

Online Application form must be filled carefully. Make sure that you do not make any errors in it. Always fill the accurate information and cross check the form twice before submitting it. You can also take professional help to fill the form in an accurate manner.

Thursday 7 January 2016

Studying abroad can transform your life!

There are a number of advantages of studying abroad and the major advantage is that it helps you to grow professionally as well as individually. By studying abroad you can experience the most rousing, rewarding, energizing and highly fascinating encounters one can ever have. Experienced group of Santa Monica Study Abroad Pvt Ltd records down a few points to clarify why studying abroad can alter the course of your life in a positive way:


When you would go to another nation to seek after your dreams then you would understand that there are significantly more alternatives for you to choose the way you want to proceed in life. You would get various chances to enhance and improve your abilities that too at a global level. You should make full use of the open doors that come in your way as this would set you up to confront the expert world with considerably more confidence. You would get the chance to meet such a large number of distinctive individuals belonging to diverse nations and societies and this would help you to develop global connections.


This is a fact that living in another nation takes you through various different encounters and every experience contributes in broadening your horizon. You get a better understanding of life and this helps you to be prepared to face a wide range of challenging circumstances in your professional and personal life.


The majority of the businesses and recruitment specialists are always searching for individuals that are something different from the rest of the job-seekers, so one must have an impressive CV in order to win the appreciation of the recruiters and employers. Moreover, in India the general population gets very much impressed with an applicant who can gloat about getting a degree from an international college. Therefore, studying abroad can boost up your CV to a great extent.